Do you have a Local in Barcelona and want to do a redecoration?
In some cases, it will be a work of improvement of the premises, in others, the works to be able to obtain the license of activity; in any case you need a building permit.
What is the requirements for a building licence?
The process of obtaining the building licence t consists of different steps indicated below:
- Technical project: carried out by a competent technician and where the current regulations are justified and the actions to be carried out in the premises are described. Plans of the action and the corresponding annexes are attached.
- Technical Suitability Report (IIT): favourable report of the Control Entity to the technical project of works. It is necessary for the presentation of the project to the City Council.
- Previous Heritage Report (IPP): depending on the actions to be carried out and the situation of the premises, this complementary report may be required, carried out by Urbanismo, and that its approval is necessary to obtain the IIT.
- Rebut of the communication: with the favourable IIT the documentation is registered through the portal of procedures of works and the registration document is obtained in the City Council.
Later the different procedures and deadlines are defined once the documentation has been registered with the City Council.
What is the deadline for them to respond to my request?
Once the technical project has been carried out and the IIT has been obtained, the documentation is registered through the City Council’s procedures portal. According to the characteristics of the works, there are 3 types of permits for the realization of works:
- Immediate communication: the permit is obtained at the time of presenting the documentation at the City Council.
- Deferred Statement: the City Council has 1 month for the review of the project and may require modifications during this time.
- License: the City Council has 4 months for the review of the project and may require modifications during this time.
Depending on the works to be carried out, in the procedures of Deferred Communication and License, the Previous Heritage Report may be required, which is processed before obtaining the IIT and the resolution period is 1 month.
How can I know what case corresponds to me?
On the website of the City Council there is a simulator that allows you to know what type of procedure corresponds depending on the actions to be carried out and the location of the premises. This document also serves as a reference for registration with the City Council and indicates the scheme that the works project must comply with and the complementary reports necessary for the processing of the permit.
Do I need a building permit for any performance on the premises?
The simulator of the indicated website will give us the result of the procedure as explained. There is also a permit that does not require the usual processing when the actions do not affect the distribution or the structure of the premises (cleaning and painting). In case the building is protected or has some cataloguing, these actions may also require a technical project and the usual processing.
What happens if I am asked to legalize some works already done?
In this case the procedure will be the same as if new works are carried out. If the actions have been carried out in accordance with the regulations, they will be legalized with the obtaining of the permit. In case they do not comply with the regulations, the City Council will require modifications in the premises.